Girls Skate

We started skateboarding lessons last month. Sharne, the founder of Girls Skate South Africa built an amazing private skate park at her home. *so cool! We go on a Sunday morning. At first only Jaime and I went to the lessons. After two weeks Carol decided that she would also like to join us for lessons. Carol hasn’t been on a skateboard before this and so it was really fun to have her join us. Jamie also seemed quite excited to have both her Mamas with her.
We each have a skateboard and safety gear including elbow pads, knee guards, wrist guards and helmet. So far I think we have been to five lessons and I’m already seeing real improvement in each of us at our various levels.
I had a skateboard when I was younger but only used it mostly sitting down. I never felt confident enough to learn skate tricks. Now, going to these lessons I feel a mix of anxiety and excitement. I’m practicing drop-ins. Struggling with my left ankle, as I am a goofy skater and so depend on the left leg a lot! Jaime is also a goofy skater. Carol is regular.